Blush Wines
Cranberry Blush
Our double gold award winning, best-selling wine. Don’t leave without grabbing a bottle of this! It’s astounding blend of Cherry Valley Blush and Cranberries is flawless and smooth, with a tangy finish. Use in marinades and sauces to kick up the flavor and pair this alongside the finished result. Great with turkey! Don’t forget to try this one heated with cranberry-apple cider. Stueben (Rose) grapes as a base.
Bella Maria
Referred to as a rose or a blush, this wine is not as flowery as it looks. The remarkably smooth flavor tastes like biting into an apple and a grapefruit – at the same time! Our Pink Catawba makes the perfect complement to ham, pork tenderloin with apples, jerk seasoned foods, grilled pineapple, and anything with a sweet and sour appeal. Also, try alongside toasted walnuts and brie for a special treat.
Cherry Valley Blush
This blush wine could potentially be the smoothest white zinfandel you’ve ever tasted! With a finish tasting like the first day of spring, the Cherry Valley Blush hits your tongue on all the right notes. Drink this during dinner to take the edge off foods with a spicy finish, or alongside anything honey-glazed. This is also a great choice when you can’t decide between a red or a white, or you’re entertaining new wine drinkers at home.
Arancia Rossa
(pronounced: Ah-rahn-cha Rose-ah)
Translated to mean “Blood Orange” in Italian. A white wine (usually the Seyval Blanc or Pinot Grigio) infused with 100% pure blood orange juice. Really nice to use as the base for a spritzer, or a creative blood-orange sangria. Would pair well with Duck L’orange, Orange Chicken, or a Mandarin Chicken Salad. Try blending with White Spumante to make it pop!
Raspberry Blush
A blend of Cherry Valley Blush and our award-winning Raspberry Wine. Milder than the Raspberry, yet fruity and easy to drink. Pair it alongside a salad with a Raspberry Vinaigrette or a sweet and creamy port flavored cheese. This is a great drink for those who love the flavors of the fruit wine but not the sweetness.